Frequently Asked Questions:
In person and public classes
What class is right for me?
Sunlight’s teachers are skilled at adapting to fit you and your individual experience. All of Sunlight’s classes are beginner friendly and suitable for all experience levels. Need more guidance? Take our class-finder quiz!
What should I wear?
Comfortable clothes that are not confining at the waist and you feel comfortable moving your body in. We may have legs up the wall so pants or shorts are best with a comfortable shirt.
Do I need to be flexible or strong?
Nope. Not in the least. In fact, we pride ourselves as a yoga studio for everyone. All levels and abilities are welcome here. No fancy moves are required. If you ever have any questions about your skill level; ask us. We’d be delighted to guide you in the right direction.
What if I don’t want to be touched? Do you adjust students?
We are a touch-free yoga studio. You won’t be touched here, unless you directly as one of our teachers and give express verbal consent.
Sunlight Yoga Center’s policy is one of total body autonomy. That means you control everything that happens to your body at all times.